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translation service for consumer electronics

Consumer Electronics Brand Achieves Cost Savings of Circa 50% With ChatLingual in Their Technical Support Division

Key Company Stats:

  • The client is a known leader in consumer electronics with products sold in more than 100 countries around the world.

The Challenge:

  • The client’s technical support needed to review the cost efficiency of global support from multiple locations and sought to find an innovative solution to sourcing language skills at a lower cost than in Europe.
  • In addition to cost, innovating the solution allowed for a review of the efficacy of the operating process which required navigation of disparate systems and copying and pasting data from their CRM, which was time-consuming and inefficient.
  • Where language skills were unavailable, front-line support staff defaulted to an open-access machine translation, also time-consuming, often inaccurate, and would result in poor CX due to misinterpretation.
  • Opportunity presented itself to replace the client’s existing chat platform, allowing for reduced license spend, and creating a more efficient solution that could integrate with their CRM workflows.

Target Metrics:

ChatLingual Rises to the Top

The client’s technical support division sought solutions to reduce business costs yet maintain high-quality language service for customers. Existing operating processes required copying and pasting data from their CRM to their chat platform, which impacted efficiency and productivity.

ChatLingual collaborated with their strategic partner, IntouchCX, to design a language offering that would address all of the CX opportunities with ChatLingual technology.

The solution allowed for a support cost reduction in excess of 50 percent, by consolidating premium multilingual labor with a new low-cost multilingual hub, located in IntouchCX in India, and empowered with ChatLingual’s advanced translation and performance platform.

By using ChatLingual’s Agent Desktop, the client is able to build a more efficient team in India, removing operational challenges of long hire times and premium resource costs. These cost savings not only help to improve the client’s bottom line, but also enables them to re-invest those savings into other areas of their business.

Another benefit of ChatLingual is its ability to improve efficiencies, leading to cost savings. The client was impressed by ChatLingual’s integration with their custom CRM, which allowed them to streamline their operations and enhance customer service. Furthermore, ChatLingual’s built-in translation capabilities allowed for higher quality conversations with customers, as opposed to using an open-access machine translation service which often resulted in poor customer experience.

The implementation process was smooth and efficient, taking only six weeks from kick-off to go live. During the onboarding process, the team identified new opportunities to improve web form integrations with ChatLingual’s engineering team.

Overall, the client was amazed by the speed and quality of ChatLingual’s translation capabilities. They are now able to support 5 languages from a single high-performing team with Intouch CX, achieving strategic goals. This was a first for the client in many ways – they had never used translation, integrated an agent desktop with their CRM, or leveraged chat as a new digital channel for non-English speaking customers. As an added bonus, by introducing chat, the client’s technical division was able to turn off its non-English voice channel as part of their greater digital strategy.

The partnership with ChatLingual has been a game-changer for the consumer electronics leader. With the new capabilities and improved operations, the client can now better serve its diverse customer base and provide them with the support they need.

Business Outcomes:

By partnering with ChatLingual, the client was able to achieve cost efficiency immediately.